Thursday 4 February 2010

It has been tough this pneumonia. Not what i thought it would be like. Lots of morphine to try to deal with the pain, and I have lost a bit of weight when I wasn't able to eat. So, there I was thinking I had it good. But it could have been better. I had a week at home on stong pills, followed by 3 weeks in the Marsden Hospital on an IV. That seemed to manage the problem, and then after a lot of begging on my part, they allowed me home. Having been in large wards for so long, my house seemed very small. Now a few more weeks later I am at the computer, but still not fully recovered yet. Been told all sorts of news about my cancer. It has spread to my bones, and has struck on my spine, so am worried about the cord and paralysis. I have continual pins and needles, and it is reckoned to be this. Anyway, two weeks later they have changed their minds, and I am alright again. I don't know what's going on anymore. I do know that today was a good day, and that yesterday wasn't. Don't know why though. I can't push myself about in my wheelchair, so Quick sketch & I might not be able to go to the rugby any more. It's too cold for all that sitting around outside. No good for your lungs. Can't drive either. But I did notice the sun was around for a bit longer this afternoon, which means the winter is starting to bugger off. I might be able to venture out soon.....if i can scrounge a lift from some kind soul.
Going to bed now, get tired very easily these days. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about the rugby, Baz. As I understand it the mighty English are going to thrash the poor Irish players and that might too terrible a thing for you to witness in your condition. Just fix your eyes on the coming Spring and the much welcome warmth to come. Hopefully we'll get a chance to share a beer(or that funny black stuff you guys drink) come the longer, hotter days.

    Get well and get strong.

